Who am I and What do I want?
My name is Lisa Marie and I am the Content Creator and Chief Strategic Branding Executive for Shut The Front Door and official Mompreneur of all things listed below.
What is Shut The Front Door?
Only the most awesome Social Media Blog of all time...check it out on Facebook! Here
STFD is a Diversified Brand Development Company that houses Shirt Heads T-Shirt's (Recycled T's w/Fresh Hand Pressed Prints), Flip That Thrift (An online Thrift experience to help economize your budget and reduce waste), Three Beers In (A newly developed podcast between two hilarious girls that like to ​talk shit) and "You Must Have Lost Your Mind" (personal lifestyle blog about all things mentioned above).
​Who am I and What do I want?
​I have Bipolar
I am a mother of 5 Bio, 1 Adopted and 1 Step.​
I want to create laughter and community.
I want to motivate, encourage and empower those that feel lost or alone.
I want to be heard, loved and respected and in return, I want to offer those same things.
There's so much more You'll have to follow me on Facebook or read the Blog.